Just find customers. SolarPlus trains and supports you to consult professionally – conveniently – close the deal quickly.
The project team completes the project quickly, with quality with a strict process, making it easy for you to earn more customers.
By the end of December 31, 2020, the total installed capacity of solar power across the country is about 19,400 MWp, of which nearly 9,300 MWp is rooftop solar power. The total cumulative output of solar power generation to the grid by the end of December 2020 is more than 1.15 billion kWh, equivalent to about 25% of the total installed capacity of the national power system. This is a remarkable growth compared to the capacity of only 6-7MW in 2017.
Policy changes for Solar Power in 2021 show that there are not many opportunities for massive investment projects to sell high-priced grid solar power to the Country.
Instead, it is a policy to encourage businesses and households to invest in solar power to meet their self-use needs. When investing in a solar power system, customers will be interested in technology solutions that help improve investment efficiency, bring about more real and sustainable economic benefits for themselves.
The inevitable trend of the market: Only reputable and quality product and service suppliers can compete in the market for a long time.
For the first and only time, solar tracking technology is researched and designed specifically for Vietnamese conditions – Applicable to both Residential and Industrial Rooftop Solar Power Systems.
The SolarPlus Econo Rotating Axis System helps your system produce up to 50% more Solar power than a conventional stationary system.
Using SolarPlus’ Rotating Axis System, the solar panel’s efficiency increases up to 90% when positioned at 90 degrees to the direction of the sun.
Smart technology helps the system catch more sunlight, reducing reflected rays, thereby generating more electricity.
Up to 7 hours of sunshine per day, compared to a fixed system of only 4 hours. This also means 130-150% efficiency compared to the fixed system.
The nozzle system combines the tracking movement of the panels to help with high cleaning efficiency. Helps increase output efficiency by 15%.
Dedicated software to monitor power draw, loss and output efficiency.
Designed, tested to ensure durable operation, even in harsh weather conditions.
As an agent for the SolarPlus exclusive solution product, receive a unique business opportunity.
Introducing the Breakthrough, Attractive Solution Package – Attracting a large number of customers. From there, expand target customer data, have available needs and budgets for all products – services you are doing business.
Free installation demo SolarPlus Econo Rotating Axis System for your showroom, project*.
Nhận QUÀ TẶNG gói tài nguyên Marketing – Kinh doanh bao gồm tên miền – website doanh nghiệp, Facebook fanpage & automation chatbot, phần mềm CRM Chăm sóc Khách hàng… Trị giá lên đến 150 TRIỆU ĐỒNG*.
Nhận QUÀ TẶNG gói tư vấn “100 ngày Thực thi chiến lược Marketing – Kinh doanh cho doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ” – Trị giá lên đến 50 TRIỆU ĐỒNG.
Marketing and PR campaigns from SolarPlus help to achieve high revenue, extremely attractive commission income in today’s highly competitive Solar Power market conditions.
*Quantities are limited. Please contact for more details.
Chiến lược hiện diện trên nền tảng số cho doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ. Tận dụng sức mạnh công nghệ kết hợp với thương hiệu địa phương.
Chọn thông điệp và kênh truyền thông – Chạm được khách hàng mục tiêu khi chi tiêu đúng trọng tâm và hiệu quả.
Tiếp cận và chăm sóc khách hàng nhanh chóng, kịp thời mà không mất quá nhiều nhân lực.